2022 Bassmaster Elite Series Tournament
Sometimes you hit the nail right on the head your first day of practice and other times you get behind! With catching one bass the first day of practice, and seeing too much of the lake, I was behind!
I was hoping the fish would be grouped up really well, and lots of offshore places. I kept looking for this in the depths that I wanted to fish. It just wasn’t happening for me. The second day I settled into an area and started just fishing conditions. This allowed me to find a couple groups of fish out off the bank as well as a few things going on in some shallower depths. The only thing I needed here was probably an additional half day of practice in this area and it would’ve made a difference as I was one 3-pound bite short of making the weekend cut.
On Day One I was boat number one and was fortunate to start on a decent place! I managed to catch a small limit to start, and then keep moving up from there. After catching about 15 to 20 keepers the first day I totaled just under 15 pounds and was in 37th.
Day Two seem to be much slower and the fish were much less aggressive. I was not able to start on the place I caught the majority of my fish on Day One. I did make some good decisions in the first couple hours managing to catch a limit and cull a couple times up to about 10 or 11 pounds.
In the afternoon I thought it was going to happen as I had a late check in at 4:30. Again, I made some good decisions and was able to cull up to about 12 pounds by 1:30. Unfortunately, I was not able to do much with my time the last few hours of the day when it should’ve been the best. I ended with that 12 pounds and fell short of the Day Three cut by 1 pound. Still a solid small check and 52nd Place finish after having a mediocre practice at best. Time to get back after it, and catch some giant smallmouth and move up that leaderboard!